Man ghosts fiancée on wedding day after watching video of her deeds with a male stripper at her bachelorette party

A young man reportedly cut off communication with his fiancée on their wedding day after he saw a video of the latter’s bachelorette party.

According to a Twitter user @Pinkkblossom, the man ghosted his wife-to-be on their wedding day because she acted indecently with a male stripper at the party.

The tweet says the sister of the male stripper sent the video to the man who watched his fiancée lick a chocolate from a stripper’s private part.

The tweet reads: “Dam man ghosted his fiance on their wedding day cuz she had a bachelorette party and a video was sent to him from her sister of the male stripper having chocolate drip off his private part into her mouth lol.”

Reactions Trail

@Oluwa Deco: “I don’t blame d guy tho but why will her sister send that video to him?? Whatever happens at bachelorette party should remain private cause everybody get e own for body.”

@JennyOibo: “Shockingly u we be surprised that her friend and that her sis pressured her into doing the rubbish.”

@Ninsennn: “Even if the sister did not send it, why must she do that? One day video will still leak and the divorce go be like hand audit.Is it a must to even do a bachelor’s or bachelorette’s party? E good for her.”