“You no wipe am cord for neck?” – Outrage as UK-based Nigerian lady reveals what a white man told her on a train
A lady has taken to social media to reveal the deplorable remark a white man made to her while on a train.
After she had moved to another seat, a white guy had approached her to praise her for her charitable behavior towards the white elderly couple.
The white guy stated to her that what she had done was a very sweet thing to do and that he’s glad they’re not slaavveee anymore.
In her words, she wrote:
“Moved seats on the train so an elderly white couple could sit together and another white guy came to tell me that was so sweet, so glad you’re not a slaaavvee anymore. Eternal rock of ages.”
The obvious insult had sparked outrage among netizens who were none too pleased as they deplored the white guy’s remark.