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“You can have my ex; he’s a liar and cheater” – Fiona Michelle throws shade at Cuppy (Video)

Fiona Michelle, the ex-girlfriend of Dj Cuppy’s Caucasian fiancé Ryan Taylor, shades them in a new video as she describes him as a cheat.

You may recall that news made the rounds after it was revealed that the British boxer was seen with Fiona on a date, a couple of days before proposing to Cuppy.

Cuppy had also revealed that she had met her fiancé during an event and they got engaged 25 days after.

In a new video which surfaced online, British model has ridiculed the two love birds.

According to Fiona, Cuppy can have her ex-boyfriend because he’s a ‘cheat’ and a big fat liar.

Watch the video below: