Verydarkman trolls Daddy Freeze over adultery case

Social media critic, Verydarkman sets to invite the controversial OAP, Daddy Freeze to his live show to discuss his recently upheld N5M fine over an affair with a married woman.

This came following an Appeal Court dismissed a redress filed by the radio host after a High Court in Rivers State fined him the sum of N5M for committing adultery with a married woman.


Addressing a video of Daddy Freeze where he denied committing the act, Verydarkman mocked him for being a hypocrite who feeds off similar issues.

The critic intended to invite the radio host and the married man affected by the adultery to his live show just as Daddy Freeze does on his page.

“The question is did you knack her while she was still married? I will need to bring you to my live show to clear yourself, the way you bring people to yours,” he stated partly.

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