United Nations Appoints Yemi Alade As Her Goodwill Ambassador (Video)

Nigerian singer, Yemi Alade has joined 2Baba in the UN team as she has just been appointed goodwill ambassador for United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

United Nations Appoints Yemi Alade As Her Goodwill Ambassador

Yemi Alade who was recently shortlisted alongside Chimamanda Adichie, Okonjo Iweala, Linda Ikeji and other hardworking Nigerian women as “most influential women in Africa”, shared the good news of her United Nations appointment on her Instagram page on Wednesday, September 23.

Receiving the appointment, the singer revealed that she is ready to roll up her sleeves and get to work in helping UNDP achieve its sustainable development goals by 2030 especially at this critical time where Covid-19 has impacted on many lives, further widening the gap between the rich and the poor.

Recall that few months ago, legendary singer, Innocent ‘2Baba’ Idibia was appointed a UNHCR goodwill ambassador for refugees and now, Yemi Alade also joins the United Nations team, helping with achieving its development goals.

The self-styled “Woman of Steel” is the first artiste to ever win the MTVBase Africa Music Awards (MAMA) for Best Female twice consecutively.

Watch video below;
