Sarah Martins ridicules Rita Edochie for interfering in allegation of plot against Danielle

Famous Nollywood actress, Sarah Martins lampoons her veteran colleague, Rita Edochie over her comments on the allegations of plotting against May and Yul Edochie’s daughter, Danielle.

It would be recalled that the actress had earlier been called out for paying trolls to stage negative comments on social media at the actor’s daughter.

Sarah Martins
Actress Sarah Martins. Credit: officialsarahmartins / Instagram.

Rita Edochie, however, interfered by laying more accusations against Sarah after she refuted the allegations in tears.

In response, Sarah Martins called the thespian unprinted names while urging her to avoid chasing clouts with her name.

rita edochie
Rita Edochie. Credit: ritaedochie / Instagram

In an Instagram post, she wrote, “Rita Edochie or whatever you call yourself, kindly keep my name off your mouth! I know you love chasing clout and you studied clout chasing but kindly do not get my name involved!

“I have NEVER directly or indirectly bullied May Edochie on my page so before you accuse me of bullying please come correct! Screenshot where I mentioned her name on my posts or shut the hell up!”

Sarah Martins ridicules Rita Edochie for interfering in alleged plot against Danielle

She continued, “Madam Rita Edonchie, let today be the first and last time you will mention my name on those your wrinkled mouth!
Screenshot and post where I mentioned May Edochie in your listed accusations or shut the hell up!

“If you wanna come for me please come with receipts”
Evil people are always fast to attach people’s names to post that has nothing to do with them!

“I have NEVER bullied or trolled May after my public apology to her over the doctored pictured I shared as a third party.
You can feel free to assume whatever you want from my innocent cruise posts that’s entirely your business!

“Until I mention her name and make a post then you can boldly hold me accountable as a bully but until then, STOP CHASING CLOUT WITH MY NAME and take my video off your page!!!!”