Peter Obi extends heartfelt condolences to Wizkid over his mother’s demise

The 2023 presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi, has extended his heartfelt condolences to Nigerian music superstar Ayodeji “Wizkid” Balogun following the news of his mother’s passing.

Mrs. Jane Dolapo Balogun reportedly passed away on Friday, August 18, 2023.

A photo of Peter Obi.

Using his Twitter account, Peter Obi conveyed his sympathies and shared his prayers for strength for Wizkid during this difficult time.

In his words;

On behalf of the OBIdient family, I sincerely commiserate with Mr Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun, (Wizkid), who reportedly lost his beloved mother. The death of a loved one is a very painful experience, more so a beloved mother.

“Dear Wizkid, may God Almighty who called her home grant her eternal rest in His kingdom and grant you and your family the fortitude to bear her irreplaceable loss. God bless you always. – PO”

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