PDP Chairman suffers gaffe during Kano rally, says party has brought shame to Nigeria

Iyorchia Ayu, the national chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) suffered a gaffe on Thursday, February 9, while speaking at the party’s presidential campaign held in Kano State.

PDP Chairman suffers gaffe during Kano rally, says party has brought shame to Nigeria

While chastising the ruling All Progressives Congress over some of the challenges faced in the current administration, Ayu said the PDP has brought shame and should not be retained in power.

However, after a few seconds, he corrected himself and said “APC”. Ayu said;

“They are full of lies. They have nothing to offer the ‘talakas’ (poor) in Nigeria. We will come back. Our president, Atiku Abubakar, who you will vote to power in the next few weeks, we will rally around him. We will discuss our policies, and we will see where it is affecting you. We will make sure we implement a successful policy that will bring back Nigeria to its glory.

PDP Chairman suffers gaffe during Kano rally, says party has brought shame to Nigeria

“We are supposed to be the leaders in Africa and everywhere in the world, we should be respected. PDP has brought us shame and we will not continue to retain them in power… APC.

“Vote for PDP from top to bottom, from bottom to top; Atiku Abubakar as president.”

Ayu’s gaffe is the latest in a string of slip-ups during presidential rallies by different parties across the country.