“Nobody is trying to pepper you” – Paul Okoye’s girlfriend, Ivy Ifeoma cautions jealous Nigerians
Veteran musician Paul Okoye’s girlfriend, Ivy Ifeoma has taken time out to share a word of advice with Nigerians on jealousy.
According to her, nobody’s trying to ‘pepper’ anyone and most people may not realize the hard work that preceded what they envy about a person.
In her words;
“When you see someone doing well, rather than let your emotions become jealousy, rage and eventually leading to depressiion, see it as a form of inspiration, or a reason to keep going or do better.
Nobody is trying to pepper you. You are the one seeing it that way. And you don’t know exactly what the person had to go through to get there.
It is normal to feel bad about yourself when you feel stuck and it seems someone else is doing so much better. But after sulking and hating yourself, what exactly would that solve? That person is not your enemy.”