Entertainment News

Nigerians react to video of police escort carrying fan for Regina Daniels

Currently trending online is a video of the young actress on a movie set. In the video, she is seen with a police escort. The female police escort is seen holding a functioning electric fan positioned to face the actress.

Nigerians react to video of police escort carrying fan for Regina Daniels

Surrounded by others on set, Regina Daniels who appears to have gained some interesting weight; reportedly pregnancy-induced, is pictured in a costume for the movie, having a good time. The escort, however, doesn’t appear too pleased with her fan-holding responsibility.

Watch the video below;

Many Nigerians have reacted to the video, with comments all bothering on the influence of money on the Nigerian police.

See comments below:

bykota_collections: “All I can say is that “Money is good o”

akexstinger: “The police system is a very useless system in naija”

preyemiebi: “Wetin money no go cause” call_metheblue: “Geeeeeez A WHOLE POLICE!!!!!! GEEEZZZZ!!!!!THE DISRESPECT TO THIS UNIFORM, GEEEEEZ”

mamacita_suwa: “She looks angry but I’m sure she’ll rather be there than in the station, bcuz they’ll be paying her better money as an escort”

adepejuruth_cateringservice: “If not for 1 thing that policewoman ready use that fan hit Regina face just negodu.. Oboyyyyyyyy money is good ooooooooo even our police will turn fan slave for you.. Anyway it well rubbish radarada.. So the crew can’t hold the fan abi”