Man contemplates divorce after DNA test revealed that his son isn’t his biological child

An embittered man has sought the advice of the masses on the way forward after he discovered that his son isn’t his biological child.

Man Divorce Son DNA

The man opened up on having two kids; a boy and a girl, and currently his wife is heavy with child.

In order to get things right, he decided to conduct a DNA test on his children, it was then that he figured out that the girl is his, whereas the boy isn’t.

Pouring out his sorrow mixed with rage, he wrote:

“The DNA result said one of my kids don’t belong to me. So I got married in 2016 and we have two kids already, a boy and a girl, with 6 months pregnancy. I went for a DNA test on my kids 3 weeks ago and the result shows that my son is not mine…”

Read the gist below:

Man Divorce Son DNA