Viral Gist

“Let the poor breathe” – Moment man on power bike swiftly steals phone from man on a moving Okada [Video]

A viral video shows the moment a man on a moving Okada had his phone stolen by a man on a speeding power bike.

The man kept his phone attached to it’s stationary pouch on the handlebar of the bike.

power bike steals phone
Man on a power bike.

A man who was on a faster bike came behind at a fast speed, stopping briefly to instantly take his phone away and speeding off again.

Check out reactions trailing the video …

kenwakalor wondered: “How can you be riding a power bike 705 and still be stealing phone?”

brodashaggi vowed: “Walahi if my okada engine never catch fire, the race never complete cos what!”

bellokreb noted: “Ogogoro no be vodka”

correctaboki_ said: “My okada go catch fire that day 000 cus na speedometer”

endylight1 wrote: “Just imagine after ste@ling then a car from no where will then h’t him, what will he explain to his maker?”

nigeriamemes_ opined: “If nah aboki him go pursue an catch”

sandrabenede commented: “God forgive me for laughing”

Watch video below …