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Lady shares sad story of how her late boyfriend made her lose her baby

A lady identified simply as Ngwenya, has shared heartbreaking story of how her late boyfriend made her lose her baby.

The aggrieved lady stated that although he’s dead now, she’s still finding it hard to forgive him for beating her up while she was pregnant, and making her lose her baby.

Sharing her sad experience via Twitter, she recounted how he beat her up and left her on the road while it was raining.

According to her, he committed suicide later on, after saying he did it because he was drunk.

In her words;

“Beat me up until I lost the baby. Left me there, on the road, at night, while it was raining. After 4days he said “I’m sorry, I was drunk”. 13 months after the incident, he commited suicide. I still go to his grave to spit on it every year, 25 October. Now I’m nulliparous/sterile”

Trust me I’ve thought and prayed about it more than you could ever imagine. I’ve accepted that he deprived me off the privilege of being a mother but neither I or anyone else can convince this mind and heart to forgive him. I’ve tried. I can’t. I’m angry. It’s been 7 years.”