Lady recounts being held captive for 3 hours and robbed by armed men who emptied her account

Lady recounts how she was held captive for three hours by armed robbers who broke into her home and emptied her bank account.

The lady identified on social media as __iamgrachy revealed that the robbers had come knocking at her door and pretended to be one of her neighbours.

Lady robbed 3 hours emptied account
__iamgrachy. Photo source: Instagram.

One of them, who was pretending to be her neighbour, told her that one of her pet was outside its cage.

This had prompted her to open the door, only for armed robbers to rush in and hold her captive.

She recounted the grueling experience she underwent, revealing that they had stolen all her cash, about N568K after beating her up.

The lady wrote:

“I was robbed on the 13th of June 9:00 pm 14th of June 12:00 am

Around 9:00 in the evening, someone knocked on my door screaming my name (Feranmi!!!)

I was quiet for some minutes but the person kept on knocking

I asked * who is there ° and he answered ° your neighbor “

tasked what do you wont ? And he said

One of your pets in the cage is out come and take it back inside (I have 3 pets and I kept them downstairs in a cage)

I said ok thank you.

immediately i opened the door to step outside two guys rushed in with gun and short knives

i tried to scream but one of the guys overpowered me while the other guy locked the door behind him

I kept trying to scream maybe someone will hear my voice

But in our compound everybody is always indoors once there’s light

They asked me for my phone password, after so much be@ting

I told them the password and they withdrew all the money in my 3 bank accounts both business account and my personal account

time 69 my life aimost ended before my own eyes One of the guys was suggesting that they should kll me. The Thought of me dying and my neighbors find my body in my room maybe after some days And they call my mom to tell her , her child is déd kept running through my mind I kept on begging they should take everything they want and not kil me. They tried to change phone password and remove my Cloud for some minutes i told they i can’t remember my iCloud password which is true But they kept on trying and befting me to tell them my password When it’s about 11:35 pm One of the guys suggested that they should leave since they already took all my money and some other stuffs I was tortuged for straight 3hrs, The total amount they took was 568k I just Thank God for my life They tigd my hands and cover my mouth with the sticky tape they found in my closet and left. I was able to free myself after some minutes And went to check outside the gate They already left to wherever they came from I will be offline for some time but promise to be back stronger”

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