“King of mad people, my pastor gave you power” – Throwback video of Ada Jesus hurling insults at Zubby Micheal

A throwback video of Ada Jesus having an altercation with actor Zubby Micheal has resurfaced on the internet as it leaves more people shocked about her relationship with people around her.

Ada Jesus Zubby Micheal

In the video making waves, Ada Jesus was seen making a video of herself while taking a walk. She had issued a warning to actor Zubby Micheal in an Igbo dialect.

Ada Jesus Zubby Micheal

She accused him of being picked up by prophet Odumeje from the dustbin, who made him who he is today, yet he (Zubby) opened his mouth to say on social media that the prophet is his friend and not a pastor to him.

Here’s what she said in an English translation;

“Zubby Michael, king of mad people or mad person himself whatever you call yourself, so after my pastor (odumeje) picked you up from dustbin and cleaned you, gave you all the riches you are flaunting and make you a nobody become somebody you have the gut to deny him, that he isn’t your pastor but just a friend, Kai (exclamation) an Igbo adage said when a foolish man learns how to brush with chewing stick, all the trees in the forest will finish.”

Watch the video below:
