Entertainment News

Kanye West reportedly drops out of US presidential race

If multiple reports are to be believed, it appears that American rapper, Kanye West’s potential journey to the White House has officially ended.

Kanye West presidential race

According to a source who worked closely with him to get his name on the ballots in Florida, Kanye has decided to drop out of the race.

According to the Intelligencer, West hired campaign staff who were looking into getting his name listed as a third-party candidate in Florida and several other states, but the team has now reportedly been told the bid is off.

Steve Kramer, an election strategist hired by West to focus on getting his name on the ballot in Florida and South Carolina, told the publication on Thursday, ‘He’s out‘.

The rapper, 43, has not publicly commented on whether his run for the presidency is continuing.

Kanye West announced he is running for president of the United States, just four months before election day, on July 4.