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James Brown burst into tears after reuniting with his ‘long lost sister’ (Video)

Popular crossdresser, James Brown has shared a heart-melting moment bonding with his sister 5 years after he got kicked out of his aunt’s home.

james brown

According to the brand influencer, his personality brought to an end his shelter under his aunt’s roof where the only person who cared for him was his sister.

Sharing an emotional moment with his sister, James Brown wrote;

“Today is one of the most beautiful day of my life I got to meet my long lost sister,the only family member that understands my personality in a family that doesn’t understand me.

James Brown burst into tears after reuniting with his 'long lost sister' (Video)

life was hard for me at that time nobody understands me @iamgraciousbrown showed me that she cares for me.

Sister that understands Sister that cares Sister that support your every move in life.

My long lost sister I miss you ? so much because I have been so lonely ? all by my self
@iamgraciousbrown I say I lost her because when my aunt threw me out of her home ? she was so sad ? and was devastated and left home to look for me, when she couldn’t find me all by herself life became unbearable.

It been 5 years we saw last,may God bless you for the love ❤️ and support you have for me.
Pls my DURLINGS follow @iamgraciousbrown ??? God bless you for all the love and support.”