“Instead of having sexy side chicks, help your wives get sexy” – Actress Efia Odo tells married men

Ghanaian actress Efia Odo took to social media to advise married men who are prone to be unfaithful to stick with their wives and help them become sexy like their side chicks.

Efia Odo wives sexy

She took to the microblogging platform to tell men to go to the gym with their wives if she puts on inappropriate weight and also to help her get back her sexiness. This way, they will both be sexually appealing to each other, hence, no room for side chick and infidelity in their marriages.

Here’s what she tweeted;

“Some men will marry and have sexy side chicks. Why don’t you just help your wife to get her sexy back. Go to the gym with her if you think she’s put on weight. Buy her sexy clothes, take her to get her hair done. Motivate her and help boost her self-esteem again.”