Entertainment News

IK Osakioduwa celebrates wife on their 11th wedding anniversary

Its a 11th wedding anniversary for IK Osakioduwa and Olohi, his wifey today October 3, 2019!

In acknowledgement of their remarkable journey as a couple, the presenter and OAP takes to his Instagram page with an heartfelt message,  writing:

”It’s been 11years! Like most couples we’ve had our ups and downs, but I can say confidently that there isn’t a woman in the world that I would trade @kidskulture with.

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HOWEVER, if @sofiavergara @salmahayek @kellyrowland or @kerihilson would like to fill in for you MOMENTARILY (just briefly oh), then I’d be willing to let you get a brief marriage holiday.  (Just so you can rest from my stress of course. It is not about selfish desire)Happy 11th anniversary Baby.

#MyRideOrDie#MyAlwaysAndForever#TheColouredHairGirl” he wrote

IK and Olohi have been married since 2008.

Happy wedding anniversary to the Osakioduwas.