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“I want to end our marriage after discovering my wife slept with her aunt’s husband” – Man seeks advice

A man who has admitted to being in pain is currently contemplating ending his marriage after he discovered that his wife cheated on him during their engagement by sleeping with her aunt’s husband.

Man Wife Cheated Aunt's Husband Sleeping

The man who urgently needs the opinion of people on this matter revealed that his wife, before their marriage was sleeping with her aunt’s husband, due to the fact that she was living in their house.

He further said that his wife told him, her aunt’s husband started raping her after she refused to sleep with him because she was now engaged to a man.

He wrote:

“I write this with pains in my heart. I had feelings that my wife cheated during engagement, it has been bordering me because I was scared it might happen again now that we are married. So I interrogated her few weeks ago before I left Nigeria, she admitted and confessed that she was sleeping with her aunt’s husband while still living with them.”

Read the story below:

Man Wife Cheated Aunt's Husband Sleeping