How my husband chased me away after our first night together – Married lady laments (Video)
Mary finished secondary school and started doing peasant jobs like working as a housegirl. After which, she got another job to work in a poultry/pen and was earning well.
According to Mary, she started seeing a man for a while without getting in bed with him until he proposed. She then moved in to live with him as a couple after they were married and it was only then that she got in bed with him.
After the first night they spent together, she noticed he was cold to her and she thought it was because it was their first time and everything will be fine as time went by.
He returned at night after work and was still giving the cold shoulder. He even rejected the dinner she prepared and when she probed him, he said nothing.
Two days later, he chased her away from her matrimonial home without any tangible reason. She became perplexed as to what happened and tried to iron things out but to no avail.
Months later, Mary discovered she was four months gone and decided not to tell him about it. According to her, she had the baby herself and had been taking care of her kid with the help of her mom.