“Even as a full grown man, I’m still afraid of him” – Fan writes about Kanayo O Kanayo, he reacts…

Veteran thespian, Kanayo O Kanayo reacts as a full-grown man expresses how Nollywood movies have made him scared of meeting him because of his money ritual movies.

The unknown fan had taken to social media to give a lengthy account of how Nollywood has grossly affected his image of the actor.

Fan Kanayo O Kanayo ritual
Actor, Kanayo O. Kanayo

In his account, the fan said the movies he had seen of the actor as a child had painted him as a habitual and cheerful ritualist and this image stuck with him.

He noted that he had come to fear the actor in real life, even as an adult, and would be scared to meet him in person.

Fan Kanayo ritual
Mr Kanayo O Kanayo.

The fan sought advice from netizens on how he would dispel this image he has of Mr Kanayo O Kanayo.

“…always afraid to go greet him. While growing up, Nollywood painted him as an unrepentant and cheerful ritualist, and as a child, I grew up with that mentality about him, today, even as a full grown man I’m still afraid of him I don’t even know why. Do you know as it stands now, I can’t eat on the same plate with KOK or even seat close to him. I don’t know why Nollywood capitalized on a particular role for him, making merchandise of him via ritual roles. Is it not time they switch roles for him, maybe make him a permanent genuine man of God or good man so that the new generation will not see him the way we saw him while growing up. He needs a total rebranding. Nollywood, please stop over laboring actors with 90% same roles. I heard he’s a very good man but I’m terrified to go close to him less he use me for ritual. How do I come out of my fantasy about KOK??,” the fan wrote in part.

Surprisingly, Mr Kanayo O Kanayo came across the post and took an action.

He shared a screenshot of the post on his Instagram page and asked his friends to advise the fan.

See post below …