#EndSARS: This Is Just Half Time, We’ll Be Back After The Curfew – Falz Tells Govt. (Video)

Nigerian singer, lawyer and activist, Folarin Falana alias Falz has told the government that the #EndSARS protesters will be back as soon as the curfew is lifted.

#EndSARS: we’ll be back after curfew – Falz

His reaction is coming hours after Lagos and other states in the country declared 24hour curfew to douse tensions arising from heated #EndSARS protests across Nigeria.

Falz however appealed to all the protesters to stay at home and respect the curfew declared by the Lagos State government today.

Recall that the governor of Lagos State, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, declared a 24-hour curfew in the State starting from 4pm, 20th October 2020.

Sequel to the above, Falz in a statement on his Twitter handle, accompanied with a video clip, reiterated that #EndSARS protests started peacefully and have remained peaceful.

He accused the government of introducing unscrupulous elements into the protest to discredit the calls by the protesters.

He said the leaders are exhibiting signs of a failed government but they will continue to make their demands known until the government responds.

According to Falz, this is just half time, and protesters will be back on streets and roads as soon as the curfew is lifted.

He tweeted, “In the light of all the thuggery we’ve seen, and the curfew imposed in Lagos state, it is important that we all stay safe rather than lose more lives.

We are still adamant about our demands and this is just HALF TIME!! We shall be back once the curfew is lifted #EndSars.”

Watch Falz speak in the video below: