Diddy gifts twin daughters matching Range Rover SUVs for their 16th birthday (Video)

Famous American singer, Sean Combs alias Diddy, gifts his twin daughters, D’Lila and Jessie, with matching Range Rovers as their 16th birthday gifts.


This comes weeks after the 53-year-old Grammy award-winning rapper quietly welcomed his sixth child named Love Sean Combs.

Diddy’s Twins who are referred to as the Comb’s Twins marked their 16th with a lavish birthday party with a futuristic theme.

comb's twins diddy 16th birthday

The Range Rover gift which came during the party met the twins unexpectedly as they jumped and hugged Diddy while gushing over their dream cars.

In addition to matching outfits and Range Rovers, they each received identical cakes with ’16’ candles and a sparkler shooting out of the top.

Diddy gifts twin daughters matching Range Rover SUVs for their 16th birthday (Video)

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