Buhari’s government wants to rearrest me, infect me with coronavirus – Sowore

RevolutionNow activist, Omoyele Sowore claims Buhari led government is plotting to rearrest and infect him with Coronavirus.

On Thursday night, the presidential candidate of the African Action Congress (AAC) in the 2019 election and publisher for Sahara Reporters, Sowore, said there are plans to rearrest him following a report he did on President Muhammadu Buhari’s Chief of Staff, Abba Kyari, contracting the coronavirus.

Sowore wrote:

“It is important to inform you that we are facing some unusual circumstances, and the days ahead might be very tense and difficult, but we will conquer. Following the revelation by SaharaReporters that the Chief of Staff.

“Abba Kyari contracted COVID& subsequent revelations about the criminal conducts/negligence that has brought Nigeria to the nadir of this global pandemic, @mBuhari regime today sent some high powered delegation to the CJ of the Federal High Court of NIGERIA to help procure a judge to grant a detention order against me.

“The courts are reportedly on break due to COVID-19 pandemic. This was leaked to our lawyers a few minutes ago. They plan this time is to use the @HQNigerianArmy for the sinister plot. The plan is to obtain a court order and then send soldiers to shoot up my residence in Abuja by claiming that I resisted arrest with armed colleagues, if I am arrested alive they would take me to an Army Barracks in Abuja to be tortured/infected with COVID-19.

“I am not raising the alarm to scare anyone, it is to inform our compatriots that we should brace However, rest assured that we are in high spirits and are totally convinced that we may be turning a historic corner in the face of brutal repression.
I am urging all to stand firm, unbowed and unbroken. – Omoyele Sowore
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