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Beggar rejected tea given to him by a good Samaritan, says he prefers coffee

A good Samaritan has revealed that she offered a beverage to a homeless man who lives and sleeps on the street but unfortunately, he rejected it.

beggar rejected beverage

According to the lady, @Milkylazarus, she disclosed on Twitter that the homeless man rejected the tea but asked for coffee instead.

MilkyLazarus who was surprised at his response disclosed that she felt humble at his request and realized that she was mistaken to have assumed that the man would have loved tea.

In her words;

“A homeless man today refused to take a tea I bought for him because he didn’t drink tea – he said he preferred coffee. That humbled me because I shouldn’t have assumed that he would like tea, I should’ve asked.

In my defense, I assumed everyone liked tea. It was part of a meal deal for something he did ask for. Tea was first go to”