#BBNaijaAllStars: “She’ll trigger people, when it blows up, she’ll now start crying?” – Doyin drags ex-bestie, Ilebaye (Video)

Doyin, the current Head of House in BBNaija Season 8 All-Stars edition, has revealed the agenda of her former best friend, Ilebaye.

During a conversation with Kim Oprah, a fellow housemate, Doyin disclosed that none of the housemates had said anything to Ilebaye yesterday after they lost their wager.

BBNaija Season 8 All-Stars Housemate, Doyin
BBNaija Star, Doyin

According to Doyin, Ilebaye only began crying after they left the arena, where they were informed by Big Brother that they had failed their wager for the week.

She added that despite the way things unfolded, some housemates did speak, but no names were mentioned, and it wasn’t directed at anyone. Therefore, Ilebaye’s tears were unnecessary because she wasn’t attacked or insulted.

Doyin said: “She’ll trigger people and when it blows up, she’ll now run back and go and start cry!ng? Nobody insulted you yesterday at the task, nobody called your name. 4 people where mentioned so why’re you cry!ng?”

In response to Doyin’s statement, concerned individuals have taken to the comment section to express their views.

See some reactions below:

@emmaltrix: “Slowly everyone now understanding Ilebaye’s pity game. She’ll definitely be put up for nominations the coming week.”

@Snooww001: “If you can’t get what you want. it’s either you become wicked or turn a witch.”

@RashwalRashwal: “Ilebaye Carry grace, if you people like gang up against her…. she’s going to win the show.” 

@habibasuky78: “She said neo made side comments even at the arena, neo was saying in the closet hope you’re happy you know yourself, Alex spoke to her about not participating fully in the wager, But Doyin is saying nobody said anything to her and she’s crying.” 

@emmy_mmc: “Everyone knows that ilebaye is emotionally manipulative but they need to stop talking about her and just avoid her.”

@Amara_Enyi: “Doyin leave ilebaye oooo complain today complain tomorrow ilebaye goes nowhere.”

@OtavboruoOvie: “People love cunny people and I know that for a fact. Doyin has been very consistent with being sincere. She makes mistakes but she is consistent with her attitude to genuity. Spot on from last season. She likes talk and things get in her head but sincerity, no one close.”