BBNaija: Nigerians dig up old video of Khafi preaching against premarital sex

BBNaija 2019 star, Khafi Kareem, is one of the housemates whose sexual relationship with Gedoni has raised mixed reactions.

Many Nigerians who do not like to openly admit to doing these things have slammed the young lady describing her as undisciplined.

A 2017 video where Khafi preached against having sex before marriage has resurfaced and Nigerians have reacted to it.

In the video, Khafi and a co-host gave 10 non-religious reasons why being celibate before marriage is the way to go.

See the video below:

Nigerians on social media have now reacted to the video. See some comments below:

do2dtun: Haba! even Windows upgrades every year, meaning old things are passed away. You know the rest.

owolawitola: Obviously she changed her mind. So what? rukewve: Wait fess o … in a conversation with Gedoni, she said she was celibate for 8 years ….. i dunno what changed it tho .,.. but maybe this video was made during that time …. #MyOpinion

ayprado06; Some pple don’t practice what they preach opadez; Guess the internet never forgets ralphlisa_collections: Aunty has forgotten she even said anything like this jawe boyz_olorun: Can you all just leave this girl alone for heaven sake. Don’t judge her because you sin differently from her. Anyways, Good or bad; publicity is publicity. You all are making her more popular.