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Artiste, Deschusiel apologizes for her wrong rendition of the National Anthem, reveals her involvement

An actress and artiste, Descushiel, has come out to acknowledge she is the policewoman who sang the National anthem while apologizing for her mistakes.

Recall that recently, a policewoman was under fire for her performance of the Nigerian National Anthem.

The actress and artiste who has claimed responsibility, revealed she was contracted by the Police to sing the anthem to showcase her craft and the friendly synergy between Police and citizens.

She offered her apologies to the Nigerian Police Force, dignitaries present at the event as well as the citizens of the country.

Artiste, Deschusiel apologizes for her wrong rendition of the National Anthem, reveals her involvement
The actress and artiste apologizing for her mistake while singing the National Anthem.

Descushiel claims she understands the importance of the National anthem and regrets that she fell short in upholding the respect it deserves.

The artiste promised to be more careful, while assuring such situation would not repeat itself in the future.

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