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Aisha Yesufu dragged after she advised couples to keep their mothers out of their marriage

#BringBackOurGirls convener and #EndSARS front-liner, Aisha Yesufu is currently under fire after she advised couples to keep their mothers out of their marriage.

Aisha Yesufu dragged

Recall the Nigerian sociopolitical activist had advised married couples to keep their mothers out of their marriage if they want it to work.

According to her, the moment you start sharing what is happening in your marriage with your mother, she will interfere, and that’s the end.

In her words, “When you get married, the first person you have to ensure you keep out of your marriage is YOUR MOTHER! Those love and concerns and wanting to find all is okay in the guise of love? It is not healthy! You start sharing what is happening you are done for! They begin to interfere!

As a new couple, learn what works for you. It is unique. Develop it yourself the way you want to. Keep everyone out of it! Do your thing and it is never easy marrying two different lives together. So take your time.
Keep everyone out and do you!”

However, her advice did not seem to go down well with majority of her followers who wasted no time in calling her to other.

While others backed their drags with reasons such as their mom being the Queen in their life and as such, would never place their wife above their mother, others warned her to focus on #EndSARS protest and leave marital issues.

Check out some of their reactions below;