Adamu Garber Accuses Jack And Feminists Group Of Using #EndSARS Protest To Fund LGBT

Former Presidential Aspirant, Adanu Garba accused Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey and pro-SARS group, of using the #EndSARS protest to promote and fund LGBT.

Jack and Feminists accused by Garba

Sharing this on his Twitter account, the former presidential aspirant revealed that the bitcoin account for the #EndSARS protest is for funding LGBT in Nigeria.

Speaking further, Adamu said the tech giant and Feminist co. are only using their support for the EnSARS movement to deceive Nigerian youths.

Read his tweet below;

”It is now becoming clearer that @jack and so-called feminist co are using the #EndSARS protest as a conduit for funding the LGBT Cause through his call for payment into the Bitcoin account of same feminist co group We thank God for his mercy & protection against all evil forces.

May God Save the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Why the intolerance @ToolzO? The fact remains the so-called feminist co Bitcoin account as a conduit for funding LGBT activities in Nigeria. Deceiving our brave youth that braces the street demanding #EndSARS. Why would they decent so low to such deceit. God has exposed them”.