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Actor, Mike Bamiloye and wife celebrate 33rd wedding anniversary with touching note

President of Mount Zion Faith Ministries and Mount Zion Television, Mike Bamiloye, and his wife, Gloria, celebrate their 33rd wedding anniversary.

Mike Bamiloye wife

The actor took to his Instagram page to shower his darling wife with a booming note of appreciation for the life they’ve spent together.

Sharing a photo of themselves, Mike Bamiloye wrote to his wife, “TO GLORIA THE MOST PRECIOUS GIFT

I have written this before and I felt compelled to write it again, because I am happy to write it again.

On October 8th, 1988, on our Wedding Day, a member of our ministry met me as I was coming out of the Wedding Reception and said this profound statement that I have never forgotten since that day.

Actor, Mike Bamiloye and wife celebrate 33rd wedding anniversary with touching note

She said: “Bro Mike, Our ministry has now just began” And that was after three years that our ministry had began, a ministry member saying it was the day I go married the ministry actually began. I did not understand the statement, until I began to understand through diverse experiences.
Today, on the thirtieth year of the marriage that began 32 years ago, I can confidently say with proper understanding, that I would never have gotten any successful ministry without You GLORIA OLUSOLA ALABA.

If my God had not had mercy on me and had prevented all those sisters I had blindly proposed to initially to turn down my proposals,
If any of them had said YES to my proposals, I would have missed it in life and for ever, because I would have missed marrying you, GLORIA OLUSOLA ALABA.
But God had mercy on me, they all turned down my proposals and I thought God was against me, not knowing that God was planning my future for me by guiding my feet to the actual bone of my Bone and Flesh of my Flesh.
I therefore, thank the Lord God of Heaven, that I did not make the greatest mistake of my life.

NO Wonder things are working well for me.
No Wonder I am succeeding in ministry.
No wonder I am looking younger as I grow in age.
You have not overused me, I thank you.”