A relationship without money is bound to fail even when there’s love – Ruby Ojiakor gives reasons

Nigerian Nollywood actress, Ruby Ojiakor believes money is one of the important factors that determines a successful relationship. According to her, a relationship where love is present but money is absent is bound to fail.

Speaking during an interview with Sunday Scoop, the actress said, “Love is important but it is not enough to make a relationship work. Money (has to be) involved. There will be serious problem in a case where there is love without money.

“There won’t be respect in that home. Love is not enough. Both partners should have something doing. Once there money, the family and relationship will be sweet.”

Reacting to her opinion, a Facebook user @Ifechukwu Orah said, “All I know is that me I can’t fall in love with someone who doesn’t spend on me. My love language is gifts, I love gifts and I love giving gifts. If I can’t get anything from you in the course of our relationship, I can’t stay long in that relationship period.”