Man loses cool as his sister plays Naira Marley’s song in their house, seizes her phone (Video)

A young man was seen expressing vehement disapproval after his sister played a song by Nigerian artist Naira Marley within the confines of their home.

The video, which quickly went viral, showcased the tense familial moment as the sister blared the controversial musician’s track on loudspeaker.

Man loses cool as his sister plays Naira Marley’s song in their house, seizes her phone (Video)

The incident occurred when the young girl decided to indulge in some musical entertainment by playing one of Naira Marley’s songs on her phone.

Little did she anticipate the fierce reaction that would follow from her older brother, who vehemently opposed the choice of music.

As the thumping beat and catchy lyrics filled the air, the young man erupted in protest, raising his voice to make his feelings clear.

It was evident that he strongly disapproved of the musical selection, and his reaction was nothing short of passionate.

Notably, in the video, a woman believed to be the siblings’ mother could also be seen berating the young girl for her choice of music.

The mother’s presence added to the intensity of the moment, as she sided with her son’s displeasure regarding the song.

With emotions running high, the older brother decided to take matters into his own hands.

He swiftly grabbed his sister’s phone and put an end to the Naira Marley song that had triggered the controversy.

In a stern warning, he instructed her never to play any of the rapper’s tracks in the household again.

Despite the girl’s protests and her desire to be left alone to enjoy her chosen music, her pleas fell on deaf ears.

The older brother firmly paused the song and returned the phone to her.

Meanwhile, it was reported earlier that some radio stations have banned all Naira Marley’s songs.

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