Gang of ten secondary school students beat up teacher for stopping them from cheating in exam

A secondary school teacher named Kolawole Shonuga was reportedly ganged up on and beaten by a group of ten students for stopping them from exam malpractice.

The incident took place at Isanbi Comprehensive High School, Ilisan-Remo, Ikenne Local Government Area, Ogun State. The teacher had caught one of the students, an 18-year-old named Ashimi Adebanjo, cheating during an examination and confiscated his paper.

This action angered the students, who later confronted and beat up the teacher at the school’s gate after regular school hours.

According to an anonymous eyewitness, Kazeem Adelaja allegedly struck Shonuga on the head with a stick while others joined in beating him.

Subsequently, the police from Remo Division intervened, arresting about ten of the students involved in the attack. Shonuga filed a formal report about the incident at Remo Police Division, leading to the suspects being arraigned in court on assault charges.

The State Chairman of the Academic Staff Union of Secondary Schools, Felix Agbesanwa, expressed disapproval of the incident and stressed the importance of holding the students accountable under the law to set an example and deter such behavior in the future.

He said “The incident is true and I have been briefed. Our stand is that any student who raises his hand against his teacher should face the wrath of the law.

“There’s no going back on that. No student mustn’t raise his hands against the teacher, whether Ogun Teach teachers or permanent teachers, a teacher is a teacher.

“They must be made to face the law to serve as a deterrent. I learnt they have been charged to court already.”

The state government aLai expressed strong disapproval of the incident and emphasized that it will not tolerate any acts of indiscipline by students across the state. Prof. Abayomi Arigbabu, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Education, Science, and Technology, made this stance clear during a meeting in Abeokuta where he welcomed the new Executive of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria.

Prof. Arigbabu highlighted some measures implemented to address such issues, including the signing of Undertaking Forms by students, parents, and school heads. These forms hold both students and parents accountable for any misconduct by the students, aiming to create a secure learning environment devoid of any form of chaos or disorder.

“I’m using this opportunity to advise parents to talk to their children, they should warn them, because we won’t tolerate any indiscipline from any child. Any student that misbehaves in school will be dealt with appropriately,” he said.