#BBNaija: “She’s a daredevil” – Denrele Edun expresses undying love for Angel

Popular TV host, Denrele Edun drums support for BBNaija ‘Shine Ya Eye’ housemate, Angel, as he lists personalities that make him her biggest fan.

denrele edun

The 40-year-old crossdresser took to Twitter to express in poetic terms his undying support for the 21-year-old writer whom he referred to as a daredevil.

“No jokes, but I’ve been obsessed (and still obsessing) over Angel on BBNaija! Such an interesting multidimensional personality!

angel bbn

“Love her voice, her nonchalance is actually cute, her open-ness bout her vulnerabilities, her I’ll-tell-u-to-your-face Vibe. Love HER!” Denrele wrote.

He continues, “ANGEL is a DAREDEVIL!
Her confidence pass Harley Quinn!
Fearless, comfortable in her own skin, Daring Non Conformist… I STAN!
Angel is sooooooooo good at Algebra; she can make you forget your eX without knowing Y!

#BBNaija: "She's a daredevil" - Denrele Edun expresses undying love for Angel