Asisat Oshoala tops Forbes’ 30 inspirational women list for 2021

Nigerian female footballer, Asisat Oshoala has topped Forbes’ 30 inspirational women list for 2021 along with Grace Ladoja and others.

Asisat Oshoala

Every year, Forbes Magazine releases a list of 30 inspirational women of young Africans and others who have achieved great things around the world.

The list also featured 30 women from various works or lives such as tech, finance and sports, according to Forbes.

Asisat Oshoala alongside nine Nigerians made the list on Forbes Magazine.

Other Nigerians to make the list were Grace Ukwuenyi, founder of an award winning lifestyle app, Grace Ladoja, founder of Metallic Inc, Aishatu Ahmad, Nigerian female polo player, Moe Odele, founder of Sale my Hustle, Lola Ogunkoya, founder of Black women in Finance, Opeyemi Sofoluke, Sally Suleiman, Amina Ibrahim, Nicky Bamgbade, and Sandra Igwe.