Boy in pain after missing 2024 UTME over wrong centre

A Nigerian boy expresses pain as he misses the 2024 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) after mistakenly visiting the wrong exam centre.

In a TikTok video that lasted for six minutes, @big_bombay3 recounted the incident while appealing for assistance to resolve the issue.

Boy in pain after missing UTME 2024 over wrong centre

His UTME was scheduled for Friday, April 19, at Comprehensive High School, Aiyetoro, Ogun State, but he mistakenly went to Comprehensive Academy instead.

By the time he realized his error, it was already too late and despite reaching the correct location later, he was denied entry due to lateness.

His comment section has since been filled with suggestions on resolving the issue directly with JAMB.

Reactions as boy missed 2024 UTME over wrong exam centre

Baukeez wrote: “Go to jamb head quarters in your state they might still reschedule for you but you must do this before they finish jamb exam..goodluck.”

Slimeni opined: “Y not go to jamb office and complain. Not like you will be arguing with them. Just beg them someone might help.”

E. stated: “Save ur self the stress instead of writing jamb next year just do part time.”

MAYOR FX noted: “Bro write mail to jamb and explain well to them they can help you with it.” 

Watch the video below …


Guys please Tag jamb for me cause thry ruined my day #jambitiktok #Ayetoro #comprehensivehighschoolayetoro

♬ original sound – Big Bombay