30th Birthday: Whitemoney receives N37m cash gift; N3m all expense paid trip to Dubai from fans

Fans of popular reality star, Chief Hazel Oyeze Onoduenyi a.k.a Whitemoney, have rained gifts on him as they jointly celebrate his 30th birthday.

The winner of the 2021 Big Brother Naija reality show had marked the milestone of his big 30 with a stunning photoshoot earlier today.

Taking to Instagram, Whitemoney had penned a note expressing how grateful life has been to him with a prayer for God’s protection.

To this end, his supporters decided to surprise him in an unprecedented fashion as they gift him the sum of N37 million, a N3 million all expense paid trip to Dubai among other presents.

Reactions, however, have trailed the gifts as netizens express shock at the love the reality TV star is getting from his supporters.

@Jericho one wrote: “This is magnificient and beautiful.”