“We’ll sponsor her to China” – German association in search of UNIPORT athlete who qualified for University games

Luck has smiled on Okpochini Deborah Nwabuogor, as sponsorship offers have poured in to support the talented Nigerian female athlete who had qualified for the prestigious World University Games in China but lacked the financial means to participate.

The University of Port Harcourt, her school, had reportedly declined to sponsor her for the event, leaving her dreams hanging in the balance.

"We'll sponsor her to China" - German association in search of UNIPORT athlete who qualified for University games
A photo of Okpochini Deborah Nwabuogor. Photo credit/Source:google

However, a ray of hope has emerged as a benevolent group, Ndokwa Association, based in Germany, has stepped forward to sponsor her journey to China.

Deborah’s journey to the World University Games was full of obstacles, but her determination and talent shone through.

During the National University Games (NUGA) held in 2022, representing the University of Port Harcourt, she emerged as a gold medalist in the 100m freestyle event with a remarkable time of 59:90.

This outstanding performance earned her the honor of being the sole Nigerian female athlete qualified to compete in the highly anticipated World University Games, scheduled to commence on July 25, 2023, in China.

The young athlete’s excitement turned into despair when her university declined to provide financial support for her travel expenses, amounting to N3.5 million, despite her outstanding achievements.

With the clock ticking, Deborah’s dreams of showcasing her talent on an international stage were in jeopardy.

However, hope was rekindled when the Ndokwa Association, a German-based Nigerian group, caught wind of Deborah’s predicament through a news report.

Displaying commendable solidarity and generosity, the association expressed its eagerness to sponsor her journey to China, allowing her to participate in the World University Games.

Louis Chukwuemeke Oyemike, a representative of the Ndokwa Association, expressed their intentions in an email”

Part of the email reads;

Please her People’s Association in Germany (Ndokwa Association) wants to urgently assist her. Can you please help us contact her school or contact her directly so that they can pay the bills for her to participate in the world university games.”