Tragic accident claims lives of three APC members en route to 10th NASS inauguration in Abuja

Tragic loss for the All Progressives Congress (APC) as three members of the party from Imo State were involved in a fatal road accident while travelling to Abuja for the inauguration of the 10th National Assembly. Unfortunately, they did not survive the accident.

It was gathered that the party members were going for the inauguration to support Patrick Ndubueze, the Senator-elect for Okigwe Zone, and Miriam Onuoha Okigwe North Federal Constituency.

Tragic accident claims lives of three APC members en route to 10th NASS inauguration in Abuja
Lawmakers at the Red Chamber on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 for the inauguration of the 10th Senate

GistReel reports that the inauguration of both the 10th Senate and 10th House of Representatives are done concurrently at the Red and Green Chambers today and Nigerians are patiently waiting to know who would be the number three citizen of the country.

However, the journey of celebration and support turned tragic when the bus they were travelling in had a head-on collision with another vehicle along Agbor Road in Delta State in the early hours of Monday, June 12.

Others who sustained injury in the accident were taken to the hospital for treatment.

Two of the deceased, both males, are from Amaraku, while the other is a woman from Ogbor all in Isiala Mbano Local Government Area of the state.

Spokesperson of the party in Imo state, Cajetan Duke described the incident as a sad development.

“They were travelling in two buses. It is a sad development. The party is saddened by the development. We pray God accept their souls,” he said.