“The devil is a liar, God is in control” — Banky W breaks silence amidst cheating allegations

The famous singer turned pastor, Banky W opens up amidst the backlashes trailing his alleged cheating scandal with a colleague from his past.

During the sermon on Sunday 25th June 2023 at the Waterbrook Church, the preacher spoke about the devil’s attempt on him while emphasizing the power of God in control.

Banky w
Notable singer, politician and pastor, Banky Wellington. Credit: bankywellington / Instagram.

Banky W further insinuated that circumstances arose that almost made him miss the opportunity of delivering the finale of the day’s program titled ‘The Prison of Pornography.’

Opening the topic, the preacher said in part;

“The devil really didn’t want you to hear this message. In fact, he didn’t want us to enter this series at all. But the devil is a liar and God is in control.

“The devil doesn’t want us to be free; the bible says, ‘the thief comes not but to steal, to kill and destroy. The only people that can never get free are the people that didn’t realise that they were in bondage.”

He continued by delving into the topic of ‘pornography’ as a sensitive issue while stating how many preachers intentionally refuse to talk about it. He, however, recounted that he was once a prisoner in the cage of adult movies.

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