Reno Omokri reveals four ways Yahoo and Ritual killings can be stopped in Nigeria

Reno Omokri, a controversial human rights activist, has proposed an intriguing remedy to two major issues in the country.

The controversial figure took to Instagram to suggest four ways he believes internet fraud and ritual killings in the country can be put to an end.

Reno, in a lengthy post which proffered the solution stated that parents should avoid seeing their children as a source of income.

He also stated that women would have to avoid being transactional in relationships.

In his words he wrote:

For yahoo yahoo and rituals to stop in Nigeria, four things must occur:

1. Parents must stop having children as a form of pension for old age.

2. In-laws must stop seeing their daughter’s husband as an income source.

3. Nigerian women must stop being transactional in relationships, and seeing it as an entitlement to financial maintenance.

4. Ethnic nationalities that demand huge bride price must remove such repugnant aspects of their culture. If these four things don’t stop, yahoo and rituals won’t stop!