Peter Okoye set to buy 4th abroad house in London as twin brother acquires new Atlanta home

Legendary twin singers, Peter and Paul Okoye are splashing loads of foreign currencies to acquire new homes abroad.

Peter Paul Okoye Atlanta home London homePaul Okoye acquired a luxury home in Atlanta, United States and shared photos of the tastefully furnished home.

His twin brother, Peter Okoye also took to his Twitter page to celebrate his second half.

He mocked haters who vowed to teach them a lesson for supporting a particular political candidate in the 2023 elections.

Peter Okoye revealed that he’s currently in London to acquire his fourth abroad home.

He wrote:

“So I am here in london🇬🇧to acquire my 4th crib abroad and my twin brother @rudeboypsquare just bought hime self another crib in Atlanta!🤣😂🤣😂 Omo! Some people are really teaching us a big lesson after the Elections Wahala”