“My husband’s overreacting, it’s still same son that he loved” – Lady insists following paternity fraud

Lady explains why she feels that her husband is overreacting over her paternity fraud after he discovered that their 5 year old child isn’t his biological son.

The woman who chose to be anonymous stated that it was her friend who exposed her secret to her husband, leading him to carry out a DNA test, which turned out negative.

Lady husband paternity fraud
Sad lady, thinking.

According to the woman, her hubby is overreacting over her paternity fraud since their child is still the same son with all the attributes that he has always loved.

She suggested that they pray over the issue and invite God into their home to set everything right.

The woman wrote …

“My husband of 6 years is divorcing me because he discovered that our first born is not his child. A friend sold me out and my husband demanded a paternity test which came out negative. The child is 5 this year. Am I wrong to think my husband is overreacting? He loves this child and has been a good father from birth. Why is he letting a mere test change all this? The child is still the same. Intelligent, humble, loving and cute. Why can’t we pray about it and invite God to our house? I am so drained right now.”

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