Man weds two wives in one White wedding ceremony (Photos)

Man weds two wives in one White wedding ceremony

A man, identified as Master Ejindu, has wedded two women same day in a Pentecostal Church at the Agbala Amangudu, Abariba area of  Abia State.

In a society where monogamy is well praised and a man marrying more than one wife is eing criticized except in certain cultures and religion, it is weird to see a man wed two wives in one ceremony.

The details of the wedding is a bit sketchy as there are almost no information regarding the couple and the location of the wedding ceremony.

Many cannot but wonder how the man was able to convince both women to agreeing to walk down the aisle on the same day. The wedding is said to have been a civil marriage and so we wonder if this is even a legal practice.

See pictures from the event below.

The news that a man weds two wives in one ceremony has sparked so many reactions. Some are amused over his choice of marrying two women on the same day while some wonder how he is able to manage two women when keeping one is considered a herculean task.