Man melts hearts as he takes his grandma out, spends his first salary on her after getting job

A young man, identified as @kgaogelove on TikTok, has shared a heartwarming video documenting how he used his first salary to treat his grandmother.

Breaking away from the conventional ways people might spend their first salary, @kgaogelove chose to prioritize the health and well-being of his grandmother.

The TikTok video, which has since gone viral, begins with @kgaogelove posing a question to his social media followers: “What did you do with your first salary?”

Man melts hearts as he takes his grandma out, spends his first salary on her after getting job

In the video, @kgaogelove reveals that he took his grandmother to an ophthalmologist – a medical professional specializing in eye and vision care.

The footage captures poignant moments as the elderly woman, visibly appreciative of her grandson’s thoughtful gesture, enters the doctor’s building.

Many have flocked to the comment section to express admiration for @kgaogelove’s heartfelt gesture.

Netizens Reactions…

@Creative gifts/MomofTeens said; “I paid my Gynaecologist for the delivery of my daughter , I didn’t want to go to a public hospital and I didn’t have medical aid. It was the best decision ever.”

@disegommatau shared; “Tell me why did it hit home…. I planned to buy my mom her first car…. HEAVENS CLAIMED HER BEFORE I COULD DO IT. YOU ARE BLESSED.”

@F commented; “May God bless u and make u live longer coz not many people do this this is very special and wonderful to watch

@Nirasha wrote; “Give and it shall be given to you. Pressed down, shaken together, running over.”

@Priscilla Mahlangu said; “I throw a 60th birthday celebration for her and I am allways grateful full I dd “

@SdudlaEsithandayo shared; “My first salary … my bank card was always with my mom. She would give me transportation and hairstyle money. I was only 18 years old

@Just.Mmabatho wrote; “God bless you.” 

See below;


what did you do with your first salary

♬ original sound – naledie