Leeds United owner reaches agreement to buy Sampdoria

Leeds United Chairman, Andrea Radrizzani is one step closer to owning Sampdoria after reaching an agreement with the current owner of the Italian club, Massimo Ferrero.

The Leeds United chairman and his business partner Matteo Manfredi reportedly agreed on a financial package with Ferrero on Tuesday, May 30.

Leeds United owner reaches agreement to buy Sampdoria
Leeds United owner, Andrea Radrizzani. Source: Getty

The pair, with some financial support from Paris Saint-Germain owners Qatar Sports Investments, have been working hard to finalize their purchase of the troubled Ligurian club, who owe millions in unpaid wages to their players and staff.

The possible new owners have already promised to invest €10-12m immediately, as well as an additional €30m in capital increase.

Radrizzani and Manfredi hit a roadblock recently when Sampdoria owner Massimo Ferrero refused to give the green light to a deal. An initial meeting in Milan produced no results but the pair made it clear that they wouldn’t be giving up in their efforts.

However, shortly after the meeting on Tuesday, Radrizzani was quoted saying by Gianluca Di Marzio;

“We are nothing short of thrilled to be able to announce that we have completed the acquisition of this extraordinary club.

Leeds United owner reaches agreement to buy Sampdoria
Sampdoria stadium in Genoa. Source: Getty

“The history and coat of arms of Sampdoria are safe and I think my happiness is (for) of all the people who were suffering for these colours.

“My thanks at this time go above all to all those people who worked relentlessly to ensure that this agreement found a just conclusion.

“And in particular I have to extend a huge thank you to Matteo (Manfredi, Gestio Capital principal) and to the lawyer De Gennaro.

“Without them none of this would have been possible. From today we move on…. and I personally can’t wait to get to work.”

It remains to be seen what a Sampdoria takeover means for Andrea Radrizzani. The Italian club players haven’t been paid their salaries on time and the club will start with a four-point deduction in Serie B next season.