“I’ve dated seven people, none married me” – Tolanibaj blames men

Big Brother Naija reality star and disc jockey, Tolanibaj laments how all the seven men she had dated in the past ended up dumping her after a while.

Speaking in the latest episode of the Bahd And Boujee Podcast co-hosted by her and actress Moet Abebe, revealed how she has dated seven and thought every one of them was her future husband but they always left her.

"I’ve dated seven people, none married me" – Tolanibaj blames men

Tolanibaj concluded that what is now left in the dating pool is “remnants,” stressing that all the good men are taken.

“I feel like in the dating pool, we are left with remnants. The good ones are married. We hopped on the train too late. I have dated like seven guys and I thought they were the ones,” she said.

A guest on the podcast, actor Daniel Etim-Effiong, added his voice by suggesting that it was not a mistake that all seven men dumped her if she was perfect.

“Tbaj, the problem can not be all these seven guys. Maybe, the problem is you. And I bet they were more than seven,” she said.

It is worth noting that Tolanibja once publicly declared that all she brings to a relationship is her sweet psssy.

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