“I never knew I would be President” – Tinubu shares surprise with class of 1999 governors

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu expressed his astonishment at assuming the presidency of Nigeria, stating that he never knew that he would ever become the President of Nigeria.

The disclosure was made during an address to the class of 1999 Governors at the council chamber of Aso Villa, Abuja.

 Bola Ahmed Tinubu
A photo of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Photo Credit: google Source: google

The gathering was organized by former governors who had served alongside Tinubu, during his tenure as the governor of Lagos State from May 1999 to 2007.

Presidential spokesperson, Dele Alake, conveyed the President’s remarks, which underscored his initial focus on championing democracy and the salvation of the country.

President Tinubu said;

“We served as governors and sat in this Council Chamber. All I wanted was democracy and the salvation of the country. I never thought I was going to be here as President, but God Almighty has brought me. My commitment to that democratic value is unwavering.”

Expressing gratitude and humility, President Tinubu expressed his overwhelming appreciation for the presence of the ex-governors, acknowledging their roles as advisers.

He added;

You are my advisers. We went into the pond and wrestled with a pig. We got dirty and cleaned up. That is why I am here today.”

President Tinubu also highlighted the importance of addressing Nigeria’s power sector, emphasizing that without resolving the electricity crisis, the country would struggle to achieve meaningful progress.

He assured the nation that his administration would prioritize harnessing gas resources and explore every opportunity to ensure stable power generation and supply.

On the subject of security, the President had previously met with Governor Babagana Zulum of Borno State to assess the situation in the North East.

In light of ongoing conflicts, President Tinubu appealed to Nigerians, particularly those in Plateau State, to prioritize dialogue as a means of resolving disputes.